Sewer scope locators for sale-VIVAX

I have 2 locators for sale. In my area, the local sewer company made it so inspectors cannot do sewer scopes. They require their guys to do the scope, for the client to get a bid… so I am selling mine. They work and look like new. These are the ones sold by Subtech Sewer Scopes. Thats where I got them. Dont spend the money on new. These both work great and have no problems.

Vivax metrotech VM-540RX VM-540 Sonde Locator - Vivax
New the cost is 920. I will sell for 600. Plus shipping

Vivax metrotech Vloc3 Cam VX225-01 vLoc3-Cam Sonde Locator - Vivax
New the cost is 1950. I will sell for 1300. Plus shipping

If you are interested, please call me at 503-991-7479 Thanks