Structural Issues of Home Inspectors Course Error

In the “Basement and Crawlspace” section, there is the following text:

"To meet code requirements, the crawlspace floor:

should be covered with a ground cover consisting of 6mm plastic that is overlapped and sealed at the edges and secured to the side walls;"

I think it should be 6 mil, not 6 mm as 6mm is about 1/4".


You are correct

^^^^^^^^^^ @bgromicko1 ^^^^^^^^^^ Here is an opportunity to have a better product.

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Take a screenshot of the page with the typo and send it to or use one of the links on the page below.

Edited, @smcfarland3. Thanks for helping us keep our curriculum as accurate as possible.

We have a good inspection article about crawlspace that you may be interested in reading. It’s at:

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