Student Discussion: How to Inspect HVAC Systems Course

This open, public thread is dedicated exclusively for those students currently enrolled in the InterNACHI How to Inspect HVAC Systems Course..

Students are free to:

  • write their assignment essay;
  • read and study posts written by other students;
  • join the discussion with other students;
  • ask questions;
  • make comments.

Click here to return to the writing assignment of the course.

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best part was inspecting my own HVAC system


Diving into this course now!

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How did that go? I am about to take this course and hope to find no issues when inspecting mine!

I was able to inspect my HVAC and found damaged freon insulation in the attic space that was already condensating and creating a moisture condition on the materials below.


Jeremy, hope it turns out to be a painless and fairly inexpensive fix! It is good that you caught it!

half complete the course

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Welcome to the course, @rbye2.

off to learn the HVAC systems course. Jeremy PA

excited to start this course

Completed, great course.

Same here…I am learning so much about my home…

I didn’t realize my furnace was not considered efficient! This information is good to know when it comes time to replace.

Three more to go before competing the pre licensing courses to be TREC licensed (hopefully). Then on to Drones, Radon and Mold to be more marketable. Starting the HVAC course now.
Austin, TX.

I am taking the course too, just passed the Exterior one yeeee

This course is up next. Inspecting HVAC

Really excited to learn about HVAC!

good luck! I am just starting this course as well.

Thank You,looks like a great course to take,just getting started

Sweating the HVAC Course starting today. Punny Huh? I’ll be back if I need help. Thank you team InterNACHI.