Moving along in the program. Looking forward to completing and getting in the field.
Just Staring the Deck inspections course! wish me luck!
Good luck, Taylor!
I’m definitely looking forward to this class! So many decks have some over-the-top deficiencies!
Next up…Deck Inspections. Looking forward to this one!
I am a but confused on a aspect of deck inspections as in the intro it states that a inspector cannot inspect a footing but yet the specifications for a proper footing are stressed. In reality is you can’t see the footing how do you know if its in undisturbed soil or below the frost line on secured to a footing. I would suspect the only means is what is visible. Such as a sagging portion of deck or even a rise in a deck due to frost heaving. Such as the case when I had to build a new deck for a client as it was sagging and I noticed the post were t a angle. Come to find out they tied off their horses to the post and the post were never fastened to the footings and the whole deck was pulling away from the house. I would assume its hard to inspect based on specifications for footing as they are buried and based more in visual elements.
I would say that the building practices were included so that we have a better understanding of the causes of any structural defects we may see. That’s the way it came across to me at least.
Starting Deck Inspections!
It is a great feature of the iPhone. I’ve used it for multiple projects.