This morning's pageviews/visitor and time-on-site stats.

According to , as of this morning, our average number of page views per user is 23. That is a boatload.

But here is the insane part: The average visitor stays on this site for almost 1/2 hour! By comparison, YouTube, one of the stickiest sites on the internet, only has an average time-on-site of only 17 minutes.

I tried to use’s compare feature to check us against all the other major websites in the inspection industry… but I can’t. doesn’t rank any of them because they aren’t in the top 100,000 sites.



A+, Lots of Help, and knowledge…can not help but stay on site !!!

Thanks Nick and congrats on those numbers.

As someone new to the concept of website promotion, who is working hard to just get a few clicks (Maple Trust’s Quest for Google Rank Juice), I have a glimpse of the effort it must have taken to pull it all off.

Last time I checked on Alexa, was in another world, compared to ASHI (and we don’t mention others as they are too low…).

Great stuff!


Helps all of us out, thanks!
