Auction starts now and ends around 7PM MST (9PM EST) on Tuesday night.
Winner will be the post with the highest bid as of roughly 7PM MST (9PM EST).
You can bid as many times as you’d like, as long as your new bid is higher than the previous bid.
Winner agrees to make a donation to the Cozy Coats for Kids charity for the amount they bid.
Winner’s company, company logo, and company contact info will be listed/promoted on the Cozy Coats for Kids’ Donors page forever… an added bonus for winning.
Inspector Outlet will contact the winner for shipping instructions (shipping included).
Maggie will contact the winner for payment.
Total approximate value of these items with shipping: No clue.
I won it at 9:00. I followed up at 9:20. The auctioneer is apparently watching a good television show and can’t break away. If they want to give it to you for your bid of $110 at 9:21, that will be fine with me, and I will have learned to ignore future auctions. My bids after 9:00 pm are invalid, too.
Thanks for your patience. I just returned from the ER after an allergic reaction. It’s unusual for me to miss an auction, but this was an unforeseen circumstance.