This week’s (December 27, 2022) Tuesday Night Auction for Cozy Coats for Kids is some inspection books, a rare stamp collection, an 1-ounce silver coin, and a 1/4-ounce pure gold coin.
Coin authenticity verified on Nick’s Sigma machine.
Auction starts now and ends around 7PM MST (9PM EST) on Tuesday night.
Winner will be the post with the highest bid as of roughly 7PM MST (9PM EST).
You can bid as many times as you’d like, as long as your new bid is higher than the previous bid.
Winner agrees to make a donation to the Cozy Coats for Kids charity for the amount they bid.
Winner’s company, company logo, and company contact info will be listed/promoted on the Cozy Coats for Kids’ Donors page forever… an added bonus for winning.
Inspector Outlet will contact the winner for shipping instructions (shipping included).
Maggie will contact the winner for payment.
Total approximate value of this item with shipping: No clue.
Is it your job to tell us how to bid? Sorry I ran you off this one, but this is a charity event. I guess if Nick is concerned my bids are too strong he would also let me know himself. Would he not?
Not sure what my website or business has to do with anything here. Did you have a point you’re trying to make with your claim I’m trying to fool clients or folks in this forum? I can Google too. Based on your Google reviews (all 4) either you don’t do much work or people aren’t impressed with you. I would assume it’s your negative attitude. I notice you post a lot, but I don’t think there are two positive posts you have ever left in these forums.
And I apologize to everyone else for this thread being hijacked in this manner…I should have known better than to engage with this guy.