Today's Daily Door Prize donated by Nick Gromicko

First one to reply with his/her name, city, state and NACHI ID# wins.




Bill, you forgot your mailing address.

Just kidding. It’s yours. Congrats!

This is the closest I’ve ever been to a door prize!

14 minutes, unbelievable, huh…Jay?

please please?

It is amazing.

so close steven…yet so far…good luck next time!

Did Nick forget he started this thread?? HA! Usually says who won and see you all tomorrow. Weird…

I know I’m slow,… I’m just practicing for the big ones…:wink:
I’ve been spending a lot of time reading posts all over the message board
lately, and get so engrossed, that I forget about the Daily Door Prize,
until its too late!

Bill wins!

See ya all tomorrow with another great Daily Door Prize.

Congratulations Bill!