Upwards of 95K + Out of the Box - NYC Partner Inspector

Upwards of 95K + Out of the Box - NYC Partner Inspector NDA No Compete Independent Contractor

License required
Tools Required
Report writing skills Required
Must be Timely, Honest. Personable, Friendly, Energetic, Have Positive Energy and Professional
You Must Be Insured
Weekdays + Some Evenings and Weekends
Please Be Tech Friendly from tools, to software reporting, to emails
Please Be Tech Ready, lap top, internet, smart phone, email, messaging, banking** and the like

Looking for:

  • Mature experienced person that can put in real hours to make it happen
  • We need someone tomorrow! Money is in front of us, let’s go get it!
  • Money is exceptional, $3,000 waiting for you tomorrow
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Hi Dennis:

Sounds great but unfortunately still waiting on NYS to send license. Otherwise I have all those qualities and things and wish you the best.

Chris Case
Alliance Building Inspection LLC

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Welcome to our forum, Chris!..enjoy participating. :smiley:

Hey Chris… we often have an opportunity, so remember this post and reach out with your resume once you are ready. Even if there is not an opening, I can always share some advice or help if needed.

Study, have a great tool bag and be your very best; you will be fine.

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Hi Dennis:

Since we last spoke I got the NY license as well as CT. I actually have all of your qualifications and on top of that I spent years working in the city as both a construction manager and GC so I know my way around. My tool bag is good though I currently lack a thermographic camera. I’m used to having good tools I would follow your guidance. Would this be the kind of job one could train to? Or drive only?

With all due respect…


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