Originally Posted By: gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I constantly get complaints from vendors about there being local NACHI Chapter meetings that they didn’t know about and so were not given an opportunity to offer up a door prize.
They understand that one of the best and most efficient ways vendors reach the inspection industry is by having a their free samples announced and given away as door prizes at our NACHI Chapter meetings. They lose out on this free advertising and our members lose out on a nice door prize if NACHI Chapter heads don't procure them in advance.
Please... if you are holding a local NACHI Chapter meeting... contact the product and service vendors listed in http://www.nachi.org/deals.htm and ask them for a door prize. Most of the time they'll be more than happy to give you one. Then email me at nick.gromicko@nachi.org so I can announce their generosity and post a link to their website within the announcements in http://www.nachi.org/events.htm We will also ship you some provided by vendors that participate in http://www.nachi.org/vendorinstructions.htm
Nick Gromicko
I much prefer email to private messages.