Vitreous floor tile in basement

House has vitreous floor tile glued directly onto concrete.
What say you?

I don’t report on floor coverings according to AZ Law, but if there isn’t a problem I wouldn’t say anything anyway.

Why Condo, something wrong with them, they the old asbestos ones?

Sorry late night.(reports)
This was a basement floor so of course not level.
Looking for lingo.

Should they not have a floating floor in the basement.?

Have you ever seen a basement.:slight_smile:

Not as long as the drains are accessible.

OK thanks Gerry.
Just looks bad I guess .

very common here Bob

I have seen links posted here for special underlayment.

vitreous tile set in thin set to existing concrete is a great combination Bob and an underlayment would serve no purpose imo…now if the slab were uneven and not leveled the cosmetic effect would be less than apealing…

I agree Jim. Floor preparation for glass, ceramic, or porcelain tile needs to be done properly, other than that, tiles will be uneven, crack and telegraph through the finished appearance.
If the concrete floor has hydronic heating, a special additive must be added to the thin set mortar for additional adhesion. :slight_smile:

Your a smart guy for such a young fella Marcel…


This will prove you are the great one.

Done, but need more info. :slight_smile: