Welcome Tennessee inspectors.
Well there goes the Neighborhood lol
I think they need a logo. Maybe a hound dog under a porch… :mrgreen:
:|.) Hay, watch it Salmon breath!
What do you mean HAY, hay is the first stage of horse S***:p:D
Thanks Nick for the addition of this forum section. HITA, Home Inspectors of Tennessee, is a state wide professional organization.
Nick has been generous enough to offer all HITA members, that aren’t currently InterNACHI members, a free one year membership to InterNACHI. HITA has made a reciprocal offer to InterNACHI members in Tennessee.
We believe this will great for Tennessee home inspectors and for those good folks that hire us.
So is where we post for TN inspection issues ? Not there is never any issues here.
Have at it Wayne!
I hope HITA also posts their agenda here.
I am mot a member, but do attend some of their functions when I have the time.
Very good group of Inspectors there.
When you only want Tennessee answers.
Are you inferring that TN was jealous of FL? :mrgreen:
I was wondering where how many hounds are allowed under a front porch i guess i should go to the Florida section for that
I once had a hound dog named Elvis. He never stayed in the yard more than 2 seconds at a time.
Only inspectors I have found in the area with a membership are in ASHI. Looking forward to taking over the MidTN territory!
InterNACHI is about 6 times larger in Tennessee: www.nachi.org/TN