It may come in different strengths. This one is restricted use.
This product is a Restricted Use Product (RUP) and requires a Certified Applicator’s License to purchase.
The point is - you, the inspector, have NO IDEA what concentration was applied.
I didn’t think of tracking powder. We have mice around here, but I don’t see tracking powder and rarely lime in crawlspaces.
The OP’s photo is very familiar and similar to things I do see. Because we cannot know for sure what stuff like that is, in general, wearing protective clothing and gear in crawlspaces is good advice. I know a guy in San Diego that dresses up like he is going on a space walk when he enters crawlspaces, because he got a brown recluse bite a few years ago. Know yourself, operate within your comfort zone, error on the side of being careful and try not to be stupid.
Thanks for all the replies guys, much more than I anticipated - really helpful stuff. This forum is proving to be a viable source of information.