Who is Sarah Palin?

Since the last couple of days, and all the lies and slander and mis-information, hasn’t phased her, I doubt that the new slams and lies will have any affect.

As she said last night (not a direct quote, but close), she and McCain don’t care about beng popular with the press and the “elites”, they just wants to do the job for the people.

Kinda refreshing for a politician.

David, you are not saying you like her better than Hillary are you? :wink: :slight_smile:

Hi Randy,

I think that Hillary’s aspirations for president are done now that Sarah is in the limelight.

Here is how I see it.

It McCain/Palin win this fall it will be a perfect setup for Hillary.

Obama will have shown he can’t close the deal and Hillary will run for the the same reasons the Clinton always do. They never give up.

2012 could be absolutely nuts with the possibility of two women on the ballot.

Once very conservative and one very liberal.:roll:

You gotta admit, Hillary is not nearly as liberal as Obama. The Clintons are not really liberal or conservative or moderate or like that. They are just Clintons. What the want is what they want and they will do pretty much anything to achive it.

I concur!

That is only her public face:shock:

The Clinton’s learned a long time ago that a liberal can’t win when he/she runs as a liberal.

But in case you can change my mind.

Please tell some conservative positions that the Clintons have promoted.

I’ll give you one. Clinton signed NAFTA.

Hillary also supported the war and the surge and funding the surge.

Good one.:slight_smile:

Now about National healthcare and more entitlements, abortion rights, bigger government, yada yada yada

I am not saying that Hillary is a conservative, I am just saying that she is not, really and idealogically, a liberal.

She is for what the polls are for.

Some call that being “pragmatic”, but it is simply just not being a leader.

The only ideology that she and Bill have is themselves.

Hope this clarifies.

It does.

It’s the “power” they want.

My point exactly.

And, the easiest way to get power is for force people to rely, more and more, on the government.

Entitlements, health care, tax breaks, keep gas prices high and do so by prohibiting drilling, clean coal and nuclear.

So, everyone looks to government to take care of every need (kinda like the fools who believe that a “code” inspection is all they need for new construction :mrgreen: ).

Then, government has the people by the nads and the peoiple have to follow.

Then, the government, and those who run it, have the power.

Yes, indeed…I am.

I wouldn’t even want to compare the two. There simply is no comparison. That’s like comparing trash to diamonds. There’s a huge difference.

Sarah will be in the news for years to come. She is going to make one hell of a vice president.

Thought that is the way you would see it!:wink:

There are many things I could do and would like to do for and to the VPILF…but voting for her is not among them.

And now for the pundits:

1st up, long time Chicago political reporter, and probably the most knowledgeable, John Kass:




And the Brits weigh in, noting that the liberal press is outraged and afraid.


And, here are the lefty wing nuts. They are SOOOO angry that they are not running the show, controlling the narrative and that the message is getting out, directly to the people.

Why do you think that they want the “fairness doctrine” back?

1st up, tha old former Playboy Bunny, and totally irrelevent feminist “thinker”, Gloria Steinem.


And the, Oh, so moderate Newsweek Magazine, is still concerned about “experience”.


And, Palin is slammed for “putting down” community organizers (whatever that means).


Then, it starts to get weird.



Hope this helps;

Go figure :mrgreen:

Seems like Jim wants his taxes increased and his company further regulated and crappy national health care, like in England.

I don’t know why :shock:

I think eating Fruit loops for breakfast every morning is starting to have an affect on some of these dopes!

I agree 100%! There is no question that small business and big businesses better bend over and grab their ankles! It will be a rough ride no doubt!

Will, eventually more people will realize that we have to pay for the unrestrained spending of the current administration. McCain equals the same deficit spending plan.

No free lunch.