Why form a SuNachi chapter for Florida?

I see Nick has formed a new FL chapter but I don’t see why he did this? We have InterNachi, we have FABI which I think InterNachi owns…I’m confused.

Not true.
FABI’s been around decades longer, and I remember when Nick spewed vile comments at FABI (and it’s members) years ago. They now co-mingle as it is a profit center for new “associates” that need to join some group or another club.

But I agree the State doesn’t need another “association” clogging the works.


We have plans to do amazing things in Florida that FABI can’t do. www.SUNachi.org. I’m heading up SUNachi, BTW.

Furthermore, SUNachi is free to all InterNACHI members. FABI charges.

SUe Nachi… wasn’t that A$HI’s shtick? :confused: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It was. How’d that idea work out for them? www.nachi.org/ashi-loses-again. :slight_smile:

I agree. And since after 40 years they’ve only amassed a membership of 294 inspectors (what’s that say?), perhaps they should disband.

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