Originally Posted By: gporter This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I inspected a 2 year old house today that had a hairline crack that started on the back porch into the house through the living room tile and out the front door. This was over 40 feet. I recommended a structural engineer check that out. Was I correct?
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hard to tell what the problem is, but my understanding is that the hairline crack has migrated through the tile floor.
The standard for control joints that have not been controlled through sawcutting to control where the cracking and shrinkage occurrs, is common in the residential market and the process to control that cracking or shringage to appear in the finish product of flooring material can be controlled in that installation by applying a mesh polyviynle matt under the tile flooring at the location of the crack in the concrete slab. This bridges the crack and allows movement without visual cracks in the tile floor. This would help in the erratic cracking and shrinkage gaps that would occurr in uncontrolled saw cutting of the slab that normally would be done.
Would recommend another flooring Contractor to evaluate.