Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I observed a water heater in an older home today where the hot water supply pipe was 1/2 inch copper coming out of the heater and tapped into 3/4 inch galavanized.
The functional flow of hot water seemed okay everywhere except the kitchen sink. The 1/2 inch pipe coming out of the water heater didn't seem right to me.
Originally Posted By: srowe This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
How many fixtures?
I came across a new house (less than a year old), somehow passed local code inspection. It was a 4/2.5 and very under "powered" with 1/2" copper. There were more than 12 fixtures total.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I've seen many 1/2" supply piping at the water mains, but never atop the water heater. I can't recall ever seeing 1/2" at the water heater supply. As long as the flow is adequate at the fixtures, I'd say it's OK.
If this was new construction or new installation, 3/4 piping is standard.