50 attendees at NACHI's Ohio State Chapter meeting Saturday.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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One of our members spoke about his insurance inspection software he wrote, member Mark Rowe talked about the new CD that promotes members (borrowed from Chicago’s Will Decker) and how he is mass producing it with the Ohio Chapter logo on it. Brinks spoke about getting extra money on an inspection. George Wells spoke about creating a C.M.I. curriculum for use by home inspection schools, George also auctioned off some of his products for the NACHI Foundation. Jeff and I spoke about licensing and marketing. A dozen vendor displays. Tons of freebies and door prizes. I think everyone got something. Nice dinner. Good attendance.

Jeff always does a great job!

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

PICs: http://www.nachi.org/ohchapterpics2005.htm

Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: jjudy
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Nick is such a great communicator and can express himself in short to the point verbiage, Not like me, I am always impressed by how he does that. I have more to learn.

What he has left open is a chance for me to jump out there and give you a prospective from our chapter members and me

Chapter Members;
Glad to be a member of NACHI and the Ohio State Chapter:
Always learn something:
I think joining your organization is going to increase our business tremendously:
It really makes us think differently than before we joined:
We are both interested in helping out however we can:
Best thing I ever attended:

From me:
Ohio State NACHI is endeavoring to deliver the most compressive educational, value packed events ever, some ask how and why and even more about how do we do it?

Answer is; our members make it happen, they participate in their chapter, are engaged and offer assistance to everyone; this event showed that level of participation by our members helping everyone.

The Ohio State Chapter of NACHI is going to knock your socks off and be the best little NACHI chapter in the Nation, stay tuned to www.ohnachi.org

Jeff Judy
Ohio State Chapter