First one to reply wins.
Winner should also email me at with their name and shipping address. Put “Milwaukee” in the subject line.
Merry Christmas.
First one to reply wins.
Winner should also email me at with their name and shipping address. Put “Milwaukee” in the subject line.
Merry Christmas.
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Rodney wins.
woooo hooooo! Thanks Nick! Merry Christmas!!!
What, was Gary taking a poop?
Too much wine.
I still have not recieved my tool set. Anyone knw how long this usually takes?
No, maybe forever. I gave up on receiving 2 that I won, which were, 2500 brochures and 50 mold sample kits. Oh well, nothing gained, nothing lost.
I’m sure that your prize was not processed, e-mail Nick.
**Same for you Chris, just e-mail Nick. **
I had not recieved mine and I emailed Nick a little over a week ago. Recieved them last friday.
Rodney, email me your shipping address and I’ll ship another.
Nick, you’ve got mail. Thanks again.
I think the problem was that we had your Canadian P.O. box, almost impossible to ship to.