Originally Posted By: rray This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I could not vote on this issue because neither of the two responses fit me. I use ladders and binoculars. I’m kind of lucky here in California because the state has licensing laws for roofing contractors, HVAC, pest control, plumbing, electrician, and engineers, and this state takes those professions and that licensing very seriously. I cannot tread where licensed specialists tread, so I have to be very, very careful. Thus, I do not walk on roofs (rooves?) (also, my personal, life, and general liability insurance do not cover me walking on roofs). I just use my ladder to get to the eaves and as close as possible to anything else. I use my binoculars as well, and I’ve found that it is quite possible to see problems from a distance simply by using your eyesight. Sometimes an overall view of the forest is better than looking at an individual tree.
And then I'm very, very careful about how I state something in my report.
Originally Posted By: bdoles This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Typically I use both. All depending on the pitch. I feel that the interior inspection of the attic space (if accessable) is almost twice as important as the exterior. If there’s leaks, you’ll see them. Just last week, I was inspecting an attic and upon entering I noticed 6 LARGE drip pans in the attic space. From an exterior inspection only, leaks are not noticeable. With the heat in the attic, the water will evaporate quickly and essentially leave a nice dry pan most of the time.
Also, I've realized almost 8 out of 10 homes DO NOT have "H" clips on roofing sheathing to prevent sagging between rafters/trusses. Poor construction habit if you ask me.
-- Brian K Doles
Inspection Connection Home Inspections
Northeast, TN
Originally Posted By: lfranklin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome Brian,
It is fun to inspect where there is no code, no permit, build as you please. ![icon_eek.gif](upload://yuxgmvDDEGIQPAyP9sRnK0D0CCY.gif)
That is the one advantage of living in TN. and welcome again