I would like to thank Vern Mitchinson, Steve Horvath and Stephen Keep for putting on a very informative and fun AGM. Also thanks to Nick and staff for taking the time to come up to Edmonton. I have attended many meetings over the years and the AGM these guys put on was truely one of the best. Lots of long time inspectors, some from the Yukon, Saskatchewan and all over Alberta as well as new inspectors and some looking at becoming inspectors. Everyone was treated with respect and professionalism!!!Great professional speakers and great topics!!! Great job fellas!!!
I was truley amazed the number of inspectors at this AGM that would qualify to apply for the CMI and have not taken advantge of it. I know there are tonnes of threads on this board regarding the CMI, like it or not it works big time. I for one have done nothing but reap the rewards from this professional designation. Although like most designations in this industry the CMI is voluntary… for now . For those of you that don’t post on the board much, like myself please feel free to Email me at cris@abnet.ca regarding the benefits.
Oh and yes Ray I know your feelings… keep up the good work