Another day in Paradise

Government buildings all use those thermostat covers, We used to “by-pass” with a stiff wooden coffee stirrer through one of the dozens of slots around the edges. Just depress the buttons and reset after your done. Doubtful you had a wooden coffee stirrer but next time anything along those lines will usually work.

I don’t carry letter openers or coffee stirrers in my toolbox, but I do have an ice pick. My wise old grandmother taught me the many ways that ice picks can be used, and I’ve never been without one.

BK, did you get back on that horse? Be careful out there bro. Sometimes I think things like this happen just to remind ourselves to WAKE UP!

I was on an extended ladder on the second story and swung at a wasp that
was flying by my head. The ladder flip over and I was hanging from the
bottom side yelling for help.

My helper came around the corner and look up and saw me. At that point
he fell on the ground laughing. I had to get down by myself.

Jerk…! LOL…:slight_smile: