Without having to jump through too many hoops…
my go to
register, agree to terms & u’ll have full access
The only place I could find is here if that helps.
Looks like Bear beat me to it. LOL
naw urs is more in depth & Kent prolly wants to go beyond & have all access avail.
Great! Thanks guys. I had been on the first page before but finally figured it out… follow the directions. It’s not really the cowboy way, but it worked this time!
The major disadvantage to the online NEC is that unless you’re paying for the subscription it’s read only so no copy and paste.
One could take a screen shot, eh, Rob?
Sure but still not as versatile as a PDF where you can edit, highlight, bold, etc.
Scanned copy, download as pdf. Use character recognition in Acrobat Pro to get a fully searchable copy and paste text PDF.
Actually, IMO the Link access is a good deal. $99.00 for an annual subscription. It also includes the NFPA 101 as well as some nice visual aids.
Some electricians that I know who use the online version don’t have many good things to say about it. The interface is clunky and you need an Internet connection for it to work. For me there are many areas in buildings where I work that have no internet service. I agree when it works $99 isn’t a bad deal.
PDF is better. Stick it on an Ipad and take it along.
Bob’s got it…
Kenton, there’s a guy named Nick that hangs around here, maybe he has a few extra bucks laying around to help you out and get full access.
I have the hardback NEC. It’s handy to be able to cut and paste during research to assemble quick reference collections in Word, for fixed and floating docks in this case, but I’m past the bulk of the electrical section now.
A while back, Barry sent me a killer link to all the ICC codes that allows you to copy and paste. I’d hoped by now that might be available for the NEC by now.
Jeff Seargent of the NFPA was telling me they had an online version.