Arcoaire furnace age help please.

Model GNE050B12A1
Serial L0009 36080


Arco-aire**: **(Snyder General): A letter followed by a 9-digit number. The second and third letter represent the year, the fourth and fifth numbers represent the week. There may be a date stamp to the right of the serial number.
Serial Number: R883512345 Date of Mfg: 09/88
(35th week of 1988 – September)

Hope this helps


Ninth week of 2000, which would be the last two days of February or first three days of March.

I got 1988 too

Thanks, guys.

2000 it is.

Wayne, 1988 was a example that Gary used during expalnation I believe.

LOL see what happens when you don’t go all the way to the start, sorry i read the wrong numbers