Asking for Volunteers to Add Pics to the Pool Course

Hi, California members. I’m asking for volunteers to send us pictures (by posting them here) of the 7 safety features that California home inspectors should inspect during a home inspection.

The features are listed in our pools course at

If you could post pics that we could use in the course, we’ll provide you with credit and our thanks in the course for providing that pic.

Again, just post the pics and short description here in this thread. Thanks, California members!

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I have a few things I can dig up.

But the main issue is 99% of all pools have zero of the 7 items or otherwise “fail” the 2 out of 7 test. And most buyers just don’t care. The law only says we have to report on the items, the law does NOT say anyone has to do anything about it.

And many of the 7 items I’ve still never seen despite inspecting hundreds and hundreds of pools.


I concur with Ian - most homes fail the “2 out of 7 test.” I pretty much need to recommend door alarms on every pool where the perimeter fencing includes the home, as well as self-closing gates. Here are a couple of examples of safety features I have found:

Barrier Fence:

Anti-vortex Drain Cover:

I have also found pools with multiple drains, but did not have any good pictures where you could see both clearly.

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This is my experience as well.

Here is a picture of an above ground / standalone hot tub with a cover in place to help prevent accidental drowning.

Here’s a picture of perimeter mesh fencing.

Anti-Entrapment drain

Anti-Vortex (and Anti-Entrapment?)