Originally Posted By: mrose
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Link to NACHI Atlanta message board: www.NACHIATLANTA.org
Greetings to One and All
The Atlanta Southeast NACHI meeting is scheduled Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm (early birds arrive at 6:00 pm) on October 18, 2005 at the Piccadilly cafeteria in Tucker.
Piccadilly Cafeteria (behind the Target store)
2000 Crescent Center Blvd.
Tucker, GA 30084
This is located off Exit 37 of I-285, proceed East on Lavista Road (GA-236) to Northlake Parkway, go South on Northlake Pkwy to Crescent Center Blvd., go West on Crescent Center Blvd to the cafeteria.
Our guest speaker for August is: Robert W. Smith
United Group Associates, Resource for Small Business and the Self Employed
Meeting Agenda: October 18, 2005
Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm and must end no later than 9:00 pm
1. Business card drawing for a complimentary dinner courtesy of Piccadilly Cafeteria.
2. Speaker: Robert W. Smith
He will be speaking about " Current Trends in Health Care" and "Liability Insurance for Home Inspectors".
3. Members ?Break Out? session proving time allows.
4. Please bring ideas for topics to be visited at the November 2005 meeting.
Please send me an Email (cornerstonehi@bellsouth.net) to let me know if you plan to attend this meeting. We have a reserved meeting room but space is limited. First come first served.
?A compromise is the art of dividing the cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece. Ludwig Erhard?
Best regards,
Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA