Originally Posted By: mrose
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Link to NACHI Atlanta message board: www.NACHIATLANTA.org
Chapter information, questions, ideas, etc. can be posted for all to see on the message board. This will become the main system for communicating meeting dates.
Greetings to One and All
The Atlanta Southeast NACHI meeting is scheduled Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm (early birds arrive at 6:00 pm) on September 21, 2004 at the Piccadilly cafeteria in Tucker.
Piccadilly Cafeteria (behind the Target store)
2000 Crescent Center Blvd.
Tucker, GA 30084
This is located off Exit 37 of I-285, proceed East on Lavista Road (GA-236) to Northlake Parkway, go South on Northlake Pkwy to Crescent Center Blvd., go West on Crescent Center Blvd to the cafeteria.
Don West's posting of photos and member info on www.NACHIATLANTA.org If your photo and company information is not listed then attend the chapter meeting and your picture and info will be collected.
Meeting Agenda: September 21, 2004
Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm and must end no later than 9:00 pm
1. Business card drawing for a complimentary dinner courtesy of
Piccadilly Cafeteria. Bring your business card to enter.
2. Speaker: Harry Johnson of EIFS and Stucco Inspections

Harry will discuss useful EIFS and Stucco information. Bring your questions.
3. Earl Beahm will give us an update on his ?Total Business Makeover?
4. Earl?s NACHI Atlanta Chapter Yellow Page adv.
5. Please bring ideas for topics to be visited at the October meeting.
6. Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day holiday
7. Pray for safety of all the people and families in the path of Hurricane Frances
Please send me an Email (cornerstonehi@bellsouth.net) to let me know if you plan to attend this meeting. The room we have reserved holds 14. They do have a larger room but it would need to be secured in advance.
Best regards,
Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA