Attic Fan

How do you check the operation of a thermostatically controlled attic fan? Is there a way of turning it on manually?

Find the thermostat for it.

It’s the blue thingy on the wall next to it.

Now that’s technical jargon :mrgreen::mrgreen:

The ‘blue thingy’ did not have a manual on/off or temp setting on it (at least on this unit).

Turn the setting up or down depending on the weather it should turn on.


That’s it, if the ambient temperature is below the lowest setting on the stat hit it with some hot air from a hair dryer or heat gun.

I ran into another one of these attic fans yesterday in a Calif attic. As you can see there is a thermo/dial. I turned it 360 degrees and the fan did not come on. Of course it could be non-operational, but I think there is something more to bypassing the temp/thermo to check these devices out. I’ve run into this before. It did have power. No snarky comments please. Just reply if you know a something about this appliance.

Most of the older attic or gable fans I encounter have seized motors, and won’t operate at any temperature.

Did you spin the fan manually?


If it doesn’t operate the fan when the thermostat setting is less than attic temperature it ain’t working the way it is supposed to, right? After reporting it, what more do you need to do?

I always try spinning the blades manually many times they are frozen. Also here in AZ I recommend people throw them in the trash Many thermostats may setting is 100 or 120 so I ask them, do you really think it helps with that thing running 24 hours a day from May until October.

I finally got an informed answer to this question, after everybody piping in who didn’t seem to really know how these attic fans are designed to function. Answer: attic fans are not controlled thermostatically because windows need to be opened first so that a negative air situation is not created within the house. Negative air will douse pilot lights if they have them and will also draw air through the chimney. Attic fans should not be automated, there is either a wall switch or a hand held remote control. When on, attic fans draw air through the windows into the attic where the air is dispelled though the passive attic vents. There is not a by-pass switch on the unit in the attic.

Where did you dig up this load of crap?

Methinks you confused your research with a whole house attic fan. Nice of you to piss on the folks who answered your question for you.

This looks like something Mr. Yeung would have come up with.

Lots of information here .

As Chuck said whoever gave you that info has Attic Fans(thermostatically controlled) confused with Whole House Fans (switch controlled).

Sorry for the typo/misstatement, I was talking about WHF’s. Keep your shirt on!

Not in this thread.

The fan above is an attic ventilation fan, not a whole house fan. Your camera must have been confused too.

I’ve looked at the types of questions that you ask and how you respond to the people who answer them for you in good faith. Then when I look at the qualifications that you claim on your website, I have a really hard time reconciling the board posts with the claims of expertise! There seems to be quite discrepancy between the claims and the reality.