Attic furnace venting

Is this ok the way the furnace vent has a slight incline to the roof penetration vent?

I am concerned about that black PVC pipe.

Is it black PVC or foam covered line? Hard to tell.

Forget about the black AC line. I’m concerned about the vent not pointing upward enough. (I know the insulation is touching the hot vent pipe)

It’s foam.
Picky , Picky…Pickey !

You think it is fireproof ?

It should not be inclined and it shouldn’t be touching the refrigerant line insulation. Correction required by a licensed person…

Would you guys get off the refrigerant line!

Question is: Is there a specific angle furnace vents should be?

Hot air does go up, not sideways.

The vent should rise 1/4 inch per foot…

1/4 inch per foot like plumbing …figured that was a known.Minimum rise is 5 feet which looks good from here.
Back to the fire situation.

Bob!!! Ha! I agree on the rate of rise per length however.

As mentioned acceptable rise is generally 1/4 inch per foot.

Did you notice any signs of backdrafting or poor ventilation at the furnace cabinet/flue pipe?

Ok, I dug further into this and… There is a formula for the incline which has to do with the vertical part of the vent pipe. There has to be so much (?) incline depending on the length of the vertical because the vertical will pull the hot air up. In other words… 1/4" for a long way with only a 90 up a short distance won’t do it. I simply suggested in my report that this vent work be further evaluated by a licensed HVAC tech given the additional problem of the insulation melting on the hot air duct.

Can you show us your source or are you guessing ?

My code book says the ‘horizontal vent connector should be as short as possible, and the appliance should be located as close to the chimney as practical’. Looking at it as an HVAC installer I would say relocate the chimney so it is closer to the appliance.

As a home inspector I would say, should be evaluated by an HVAC service persion to ensure the chimney is drawing properly.

Whether it actually works will be based on what we can’t see, the chimney on the roof, how high the vertical portion is. I am guessing, the vertical portion is maybe only 5 or 6 feet, and the horizontal distance about 8’ and that would concern me. It would concern me less if the appliance is forced draft.

The angle of the rise is not an issue, the rule is no dips, an upward angle is OK.