basement insulation

sprayed polyurethane foam is the best way to insulate basement wall/floor

i had a insulation company from 1986 to 2008, i seen all kind of problems in those years, the worst problems and damages seen in basment, where when fiberglass insulation was install

2 inch thick on floor and 3 inch thick on the walls and sill-plates with sprayed polyurethane is the way to go NO POLY

I do not like home owners asking building information on the message board.
It is for inspection dialog, not building dialog.
Now if an inspector was to inspect your home Mr.X
We might have a common interest.

This forum is for asking questions, not degrading people for asking them.

Not degrading any one Linas.
Home inspection web sites deserve home inspection questions and answers.
Just my opinion.
For Americans.
There is good old Bobby V. web site.

I am not condoning his questions or your replies Linas.
I applaud your helping the man.
Time and place for everything in my opinion. That’s all.
12 posts on a board shows me he is struggling to follow instructions.
Wrong application method from a InterNACHI member can make the site look bad.
Again my opinion only.

What was I thinking? Stupid me. We shouldn’t let non-members post questions in the non-member forum. I guess Forum is a stupid idea. We’ll have to ask Nick to get rid of it. You just send people with questions to Bob Villa for answers.

every one should keep a positive attitude when posting

interNACHI members should’nt argue or dispute each other

negative comment should’nt be post

One of the rare times I agree with Linas.
Someone save this thread for historical purposes.

You guys that want to chastise a person for asking a question are off your rocker and should do all of us a favor by leaving the area.

Very unprofessional,non-caring,shows lack of knowledge for both yourselves and puts this forum in a bad light.

I am apologetic to the original poster for these goofs.

Please anyone with actual intelligence help out here and ignore the peanut gallery.

Bob we are home inspectors. Not builders.
Help anyone yes. I agree.
Help them find there way to an informer that is associated with the information they need.

Lets go one more step in reverse for a moment.
New members eyes are clear eyes RIGHT?
Guy Bosse makes a statement that should be heard load and clear by every INACHI member.
So I also agree to a POINT with Linas.
As for his attitude.
Never walking down that road of malcontent and NEGATIVITY ever again " if I can help it."
You signed your SOP now live by the words.

This is a moderated forum. Members who post here are a.) representing InterNACHI and therefore posts that b.) misrepresent the organization, that are technically incorrect, that are c.) particularly off topic, or that are particularly off topic.
Please use minimal formatting in your posts. Your posts on this forum are being converted to HTML on another web site. Our system handles this pretty well, but don’t make its job harder than it already is.
Please avoid using quotes. See #2
a.) Posts that misrepresent InterNACHI.
We are not builders.
b.) misrepresent the organization.
Again we are not builders.
c.) particularly off topic.
I see no inspection questions being asked.

Bring them to a informer that helps them.

Would expect nothing less of you Linas than comments like ESOP breakers…

Linas I will hold out an olive branch. My hand is open in a honest juster of friendship.
At times emotions get the better of members including myself.
I will apologize for any actions and words I have said to emotionally upset you.
I can do no more than that.
Those accusations ARE DISHONEST and gain a foothold on negativity. Some may think it is funny but it is childish and demotes the association as a whole.
I can state from the abundance of positive feedback I get when I try to take the high road that most INACHI members are tired of insults, innuendo, and falsely contrived negative accusations being leveled at and by INACHI members.
Character assassinations and mindless lashing out at INACHI members is in direct violation of ones ESOP.
We are to hold are heads high being the largest association in North America.
We have to lead by example.

This a open part of the MB for people to ask Robert

Linas I will ask you for the sake of InterNACHI and HOW THE PUBLIC VIEWS the Home Inspection Industry professionals and the industry itself to pl;ease remove that innuendo from public viewing.
If a individual has problems such as the one you are describing then that individual needs professional help.
By you slanderously accusing the home inspection industry, INACHI members, and anyone for that fact with accusations of " Drug addicted home inspectors post replies here also " infers to the public that " YOU KNOW " such members personally interacted with them and have personal proof.
This is an affront to the industry, the publics preemption of home inspectors in general and on INTERNACHI ITSELF.

I ask you to please remove your post.

This is not a game to the inspection community Linas.
Nor is it a game to the client, home owners or future inspector that wishes to inform themselves on the InterNACHI message board.
You are in contempt and breaking your ESOP, plus dancing close to litigation by any number of individuals whom see this as offensive to the inspection community.
Please be more conscious of your posts please.
Sorry everyone for the long post…
These are the standards of pratice all InterNACHI members must obay.
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) promotes a high standard of professionalism, business ethics and inspection procedures. InterNACHI members subscribe to the following Code of Ethics in the course of their business.

Duty to the Public
    The InterNACHI member shall abide by the Code of Ethics and substantially follow the InterNACHI Standards of Practice.
    The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any practices that could be damaging to the public or bring discredit to the home inspection industry.
    The InterNACHI member shall be fair, honest, impartial, and act in good faith in dealing with the public.
    The InterNACHI member shall not discriminate in any business activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, sexual orientation or handicap, and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws concerning discrimination.
    The InterNACHI member shall be truthful regarding his/her services and qualifications.
    The InterNACHI member shall have no undisclosed conflict of interest with the client, nor shall the InterNACHI member accept or offer any undisclosed commissions, rebates, profits or other benefit, nor shall the InterNACHI member accept or offer any disclosed or undisclosed commissions, rebates, profits or other benefit from real estate agents, brokers or any third parties having financial interest in the sale of the property, nor shall the InterNACHI member offer or provide any disclosed or undisclosed financial compensation directly or indirectly to any real estate agent, real estate broker or real estate company for referrals or for inclusion on lists of preferred and/or affiliated inspectors or inspection companies.
    The InterNACHI member shall not communicate any information about an inspection to anyone except the client without the prior written consent of the client, except where it may affect the safety of others, or violates a law or statute.
    The InterNACHI member shall always act in the interest of the client, unless doing so violates a law, statute or this Code of Ethics.
    The InterNACHI member shall use a written contract that specifies the services to be performed, limitations of services, and fees.
    The InterNACHI member shall comply with all government rules and licensing requirements of the jurisdiction where he/she conducts business.
    The InterNACHI member shall not perform or offer to perform, for an additional fee, any repairs or repair-associated services to the structure on which the member or member's company has prepared a home inspection report for a period of 12 months. This provision shall not include services to components and/or systems that are not included in the InterNACHI Standards of Practice. 

Duty to Continue Education
    The InterNACHI member shall comply with InterNACHI's current Continuing Education requirements.
    The InterNACHI member shall pass the InterNACHI's Online Inspector Exam once every calendar year.

Duty to the Profession and InterNACHI
    The InterNACHI member shall strive to improve the home inspection industry by sharing his/her lessons and/or experiences for the benefit of all. This does not preclude the member from copyrighting or marketing his/her expertise to other inspectors or the public in any manner permitted by law.
    The InterNACHI member shall assist the InterNACHI leadership in disseminating and publicizing the benefits of InterNACHI membership.
    The InterNACHI member shall not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to InterNACHI, fellow InterNACHI members, InterNACHI employees, leadership or directors.  Member(s) accused of acting or deemed in violation of such rules shall be reviewed by the Ethics committee for possible sanctions and/or expulsion from InterNACHI.
    The InterNACHI member shall abide by InterNACHI's current membership requirements.
    The InterNACHI member shall abide by InterNACHI's current message board rules.

Thank you Wayne.
InterNACHI members carry there heads high.
Invested members promote professionalism, advancement of home inspection education for themselves and the public. Most inportantly they maintain a moral and civic duty and responsability to themselves, the industry, and the public to which they serve.
InterNACHI is THE Premier Inspection Association within North America.

Post #29 Wayne.
I understand the point.

I will apologies to the unregistered guest any any InterNACHI MEMBERS.
This visitor was asking a solid question. " I have been hearing that you don’t want to put vapor barrier on so I’m trying to find out what is the proper way of doing this." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Thanks.
It will not happen twice
Apologies all around.
Thank you moderator. All removed.

I think one More post should go also , do not need it the non member section .