Bathroom exhaust vent in attic trap

And they are doing it right.


This is not a requirement or defect, so no, it does not go in my report.

And no, “would freeze rendering the exhaust fan useless”, is not going to happen. It would fail and leak into the house before that could ever happen.

Can’t see the vent in your pic, but it needs to be constructed from a material to handle the water.
I have had several thermal inspections for water leaks inside exterior walls where water condensed near the outer walls and the flue could not handle it. “It only leaks sometimes”, is a real pain to work on.

If it is making enough water to block airflow, there needs to be a drain installed.

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It happened to me. Uninsulated bathroom fan duct venting through attic. Duct had a sag which filled with water and froze rendering the fan useless. The bathroom had a therapeutic tub which produce a lot of humidity.