I mention it in the report, but not as any big deal.
As to blocking ventilation, they are only 18 inches above the insulation. So no blockage.
I mention it in the report, but not as any big deal.
As to blocking ventilation, they are only 18 inches above the insulation. So no blockage.
Just to get this straight I am asking what percentage of a roof vent needs to be blocked by another component before it is a concern in your report.
**M1501.1 Outdoor discharge. **
The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall be discharged to the outdoors. Air shall not be exhausted into an attic, soffit, ridge vent or crawl space.
**M1502.1 General. **
Dryer exhaust systems shall be independent of all other systems, and shall convey the moisture to the outdoors.
I always mention bath exhaust discharging into attic. Especially when they are buried in a foot of insulation and the owner wonders why their bath vents are always soooo dirty.
If it is not a problem why was it made a requirement in the C book
Can’t answer that, other than it CAN be a problem. I would image that this is just one example of why AHJ’s have the liberty to enforce or not enforce certain codes as they see fit.
Makes one wonder , how come this isnt a standard everywhere? county city , municipal , state. it should all be uniform when the area or climate does not affect the intent or purpose of the structure or its existence.