Become a One & Two Family Dwelling Electrical Inspector

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
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See this bulletin of information, it includes other trades as well.

Electrical One- and Two-Family Dwelling (2A)

1. How many 8 AWG, Type THW conductors are permitted to
be installed in a 3/4-inch flexible metal conduit?

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

2. A branch circuit to a detached residential garage is 10/3 AWG
with ground, Type UF, protected at 30 amps. If the supply
voltage is 120/240V, the minimum depth at which the cable is
permitted to be buried is

(A) 24 in.
(B) 18 in.
(C) 12 in.
(D) 6 in.

3. A Type SO, 16-2, with-ground cord has an ampacity of
(A) 7 amps.
(B) 10 amps.
(C) 13 amps.
(D) 15 amps.

4. A 14 AWG cable is pulled into a rigid nonmetallic conduit
between a dwelling and an outdoor light post. If this raceway
is underground, what is the minimum permitted burial depth?
(A) 24 in.
(B) 18 in.
(C) 12 in.
(D) 6 in.

5. For a dwelling unit of 1,200 square feet, the minimum number
of branch circuits required to supply lighting (at 15 amp),
small appliances, laundry, and a gas-fired furnace with 1/4 HP
motor is
(A) 8
(B) 7
(C) 6
(D) 5

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

C 4 conductors[table 3C(A)]

B 18" [300.5]

C 13a from col B [400.6]

B 18" [300.5]

B 7 circuits [2 general lighting, laundry, 2 kitchen, furnace,bathroom]

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Answers are in the Bulletin on Page 8:

Test 2A



Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Yup, never do these things before your first cup of coffee icon_wink.gif