Best way to retro flash roof against wood siding wall?


Hire a roofer - he’ll tell you what you want to hear to get the job.

Hire an inspector - he’ll tell you the stuff you don’t want to hear, because he doesn’t have a financial stake in it.



5" on the roof and 5" up the wall.

Thanks for the answer,

I am a home inspector in Oregon (you already have my name)… have been for 6 years or so. It is correct that I am a non member, but my opinion won’t change whether or not I am a member.

I never said that a home inspector “couldn’t” help him. Home inspector’s already have… on this message board. I am sure there are other screwed up installations on that roof, and it does need to be looked at by a competent professional. I just don’t like to drum up business and charge people when I do not believe it is necessary. There are good and bad in every profession, that includes our own. Just find one of the good guy’s to evalute that roof

Your opinions of course will vary.

Regarding the “any other stupid questions statement”— that was completely unneccessary and I will just leave it at that.

Just because my opinion on something may differ from your’s does not mean it’s not valid.