Did an inspection today and just wanted to make sure I’m calling out the right stuff since I’m still new. I told the realtor there is missing flashing where the roof meets the wall in the front of the house. I see theirs no flashing around the vent pipes or draft hoods. Also I’m not sure but does the back miss flashing as well where the wall and roof meet? On the last picture? This are my only concerns thanks guys
It’s there.
The flashing at the roof- wall connection is under that top row of shingles. They just cover it up with another layer for cosmetic reasons.
Just make sure that row was glued on, and not nailed on
Are you in Florida? Looks like what I see everyday
The apron flashing on the sidewall was not visible, does not mean it is not there. Did you walk this roof? Touching, feeling and lifting would have answered the question definitively.
The shingles woven past and under the vents is unconventional and may be prone to leaks.
Step flashing visible here for what its worth.
And flashing here
You’re referring to the first image where i called the flashing not being there where it looked like damage, or the last pic where i told the lady their was flashing their but wanted to ask you guys to make sure. I also didn’t tell her no vent pipes were not flashed because i understand they sometimes install it under. But ive been watching roofing videos on YouTube and they all say the a little of the front part of the flashing should be exposed to direct the water, the other parts can be covered. That its no exception if not its not installed right. Is that true?
Yes I’m in Florida Orlando
Ok yes I didn’t say their wasn’t i was asking i told her when i was with the realtor that their was flashing their. No this was a free inspection i cold called the lady and was able to schedule a meeting and told her I’ll offer a free thermal inspection and drone inspection. I ended up doing the attic as well cause she had asked. The panel as well too. But that wasn’t expected
No I didn’t walk
Yes, flashing to be installed in shingle lapping fashion and it is not in your photos around the roof protrusions.
Apron flashing was not visible. Water damage is along the first course of siding has nothing to do with flashing, it is a clearance issue. I cannot tell you if apron flashing was present or not. Get out and walk these roofs if you can safely. Drones will leave a lot to be desired.
Watching now
What you mean by the clearance? The spacing between the siding and the roof? So there is flashing there? Ok yea I figured the vent flashing wasn’t installed properly. I totally agree about walking the roof it was a 2 story high roof i only walked the 1st floor just case I’m still getting comfortable.
Yes, lack of clearance from the siding and the roof shingles. The siding is wicking moisture up from the shingle surface and deteriorating. There should be at least 1-2 inches clearance like you see in the other photos.
I have no idea if there is flashing there along that same area, I cannot see it and neither can you. Therefore, you can make no assumptions.
If your in Florida id pay you to do a ride along with me i see you always helping me your the man for that
Upon further inspection, that may not be damage but just rather crappy sealant. But the clearance recommendation remains, 1 to 2 inches.
Ok yea. Next free inspection for a realtor i do maybe i wont offer the drone and thermal maybe its just better to offer them a roof with the thermal and bring my big ladders
Nothing wrong with the drone inspection if that is what you offered. Just be sure to be aware of its limitations so you can address that with the client.
In Florida, I rarely see visible flashing. Roofers are allowed to cover it. (At the wall, and at the attic and plumbing vents). The flashing sits over the lower layer of shingle, and the next layer is glued over the top of the flashing for cosmetic reasons.
Your pics are what I see every single day.
(I just have a disclaimer in my report that flashing is not visible, because code allows it to be covered)
I am not really concerned about allowed but rather performance. So my thinking is if you cover the lower flange, how is the water to get out? It should go around and over, no?
You right 100% on that that’s true i just have to know its limitations