Black spots on ceiling???

Originally Posted By: jrooff
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was wondering what the average cost of inspection runs? or home is a ranch style with finished basement, dimensions are 48X24..modular All American Home. We have noticed a black smudging where each joice in the ceilings are and each nail in the studs are beginning to show black circles. It wipes off easily. Some have told us it is only from burning candles, I burn soy candles and they are to be cleaner than others. Anyway, all our freinds burn candles and they do not have this problem. Have also been told it is due to static electricity. We wondering if we should have our home inspected to make sure of what it is?

I do know the cost part and the modular home manufacture puts out a pretty good product. Any ideas on this?

Originally Posted By: phinsperger
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My first guess would be that it sounds like what is referred to as “ghosting”

Does it only appear on exterior walls? Basically thermal bridging causes a slight condensation that holds on to particles floating around in the air. It will often show itself quicker in home where people smoke.

Do a search on this board for the word "ghosting" there are a couple of discussion about it and a couple of links to.


Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
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Originally Posted By: jrooff
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Thanks Paul I’m on it.

Originally Posted By: pdacey
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Here’s a link about ghosting:

Someone posted this last year.


Patrick Dacey
TREC # 6636