Boiler age for Utica

I checked out a Utica boiler today but am having a difficult time trying to identify the age. Serial number starts with HZ. I referenced the age chart on but it doesn’t list a year for the letter Z. Has anyone ran into this before?


Next option:


Photo of the data plate?

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Tag please.

Up until 2003 Utica useda month/year code. The month was A - L. The year was A + 1984 through Z = 2002 (except for 2000 when they used 9 for units made from jan - aug and X for units made sept - dec). In 2003 they started using a sequential code.
Utica Boilers - 315-797-1310.

August - 2002
Hope that helps.

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Instead of all the numbers, letters, codes, and BS, wouldn’t it be nice if they would just put a born on date. Sure sounds a whole lot easier for all involved.