Originally Posted By: Larry O’Connor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Larry’s idea is a good one but let’s try to keep it
within a region or chapter area. Paying a small fee
up front for a library card is a great way to keep
track of who has the material.
Automatic reminders can be sent to the borrower
starting with the day it is to be returned. This can
be done using an autoresponder.
Some autoresponders are free so there would be no
cost in this system.
-- Larry
"If you have knowledge,
let others light their candles at it"
Originally Posted By: rdriggers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to download at least the videos to this site. If there was a link on this NACHI website to download the video’s, we wouldn’t have to worry about other members not returning them. Plus, it would save on shipping costs and less headaches.
If anyone has video's, I would be happy to get them copied to a dvd and post a section on here so any member could download the video's at anytime. This would save a lot of time a money.
Like i said this is just a suggestion.
You can email me at Dhinspection@msn.com if you have any video's to donate. I will mail them back to you.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Richard, it would be nice if that were a workable solution, but the plain fact of the matter is that there are insermountable copywrite issues, that would stop us from being able to do this.