Bye bye termite profession, as we know it


You are a funny guy

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Cool, detecting Termites is a good start, but does it also detect Powder Post Beetle, Carpenter Bees, and Carpenter Ants?

As far as I can tell, we’re never going to be able to detect ants by eavesdropping with a device. That’s the only group we can’t help with.

What’s the guarantee? Nobody is going to buy those things for a home that doesn’t have termites unless there is some kind of warranty. Bug guys in MD are licensed (to spray chemicals) they get really upset if you point out termites to someone. Only the licensed guys can fill out the bug form (which MD has stolen and put their brand on (NPMA 33?)

Nobody is going to buy those things for a home that doesn’t have termites unless there is some kind of warranty.

Maybe you should answer my phone today. LOL. Anyway, the termite treatment companies often offer warranties and those companies would certainly benefit from an early-warning system. Townhouse HOAs will also be customers.

Who cares what they think or do? This is way upstream of them finding termites the old fashioned way (by finding termite damage after it’s already begun). And a lot of termite treatment companies offer warranties. They most definitely want to know EARLY if termites return.

And what does some random guy stretching fiber mesh tape on drywall have to do with any of that?

Oh wait, it doesn’t matter. No one in their right mind wants this type of liability.

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When I started inspecting back in 2000 I heard some stories of a guy running around with a termite sniffing dog. Apparently, his method didn’t catch on because I never met him or another such dog. Seems like a similar concept.

You should answer my phone today. LOL. Anyway, every new homeowner in the South is going to want it. It will be more popular than burglar alarm services.

That’s what you have to do if termites eat your joists and you don’t know it because the damage is being done behind drywall (as it often is). You have to tear down the drywall, repair the home structurally, and then re-drywall it all again.

The Bug lets you know that you have termites long before then. This thing is going to save Americans $30 billion a year.

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So how do i invest in this startup, Nick?


I just filed the patents this morning. I’ll keep you updated.

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Will this interfere? :wink:

Nope. That makes a sound with a totally different pattern just like a trombone or chainsaw does.


Keep us updated on all the lawsuits from " you guys missed termite" activity, or from someone hacking one of your sonic ear/sensor gizmos (such as with ding-dong alarm cameras, indoor security cams, etc.)

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I treated a home last week for drywood termite control.
I do not believe they would have been discovered in the exterior fascia & T-111 siding with the new new secret detector.

Nonsense, the super-duper “algorithm” will use the power of Skynet to locate all of our WDO gremlins.

And you too can offer this fantastic service, after you pay a fee of course, and download the new “badge”.

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Correct. This isn’t an inspection tool.

There is no one to pay. It’s a device and an app that the homeowner downloads, not you.