Can it be this bad?

Absolutely not.

The rich pay far to large a percentage of the total take. has a better plan.

Correct. The bottom 1/2 of all income earners in the U.S. pay no federal income tax at all.

Because they make hardly any money. Sad but tue.


what a crock Nick… :roll:

I just paid tax on a tank of gas… I pay fricking tax on everything…

You are correct (I was referring to Federal income tax). Which is why Obama’s debasing of the currency harms the poor much more than the rich.

A combination flat tax/fair tax would probably work best. Then turn the IRS away from the citizens and on our government.

You mean the out-of-work poor and the working poor??

So why do you consider that when money is spent on: armed forces, police, fire service, schools/universities, government employees who all work, spend and consume in their local towns/cities.

For some reason, right wing economists promote this idea (tax collected comes out of the economy) as if the tax money disappears from the face of the earth, never to enter the economy again. I disagree…in modern democracies, governmnent is part of the economy. Government spending definitely needs to be monitored and transparent but…I’d rather see infrastructure be renewed by tax dollars than yahoo’s spending their private, low tax paychecks on fast, expensive cars, trinkets, etc

Don’t believe all the right wing rhetoric!! Government taxes do not leave the economy but simply cycle through it by a different path. The above mentioned groups that receive our taxes as wages spend it in our economy…they just don’t drop it into a black hole!!

So for those you want tax cuts are you willing to push back your Social Security and Medicare eligibility by 5 to 15 years? Would go for a 30% reduction in defense spending (including CIA and NSA)?

I’d rather the government pour our hard-earned tax money down a black hole than use it to screw up our free markets and our children by giving it to Freddie Mac or public schools. Stick to national defense and colonizing Mars. Leave the rest to us.

Maybe so, but I’ve never received a paycheck from a poor person yet…

Now there’s a good use for our $$$$$ when we haven’t even learned to be truly compassionate humans on this planet. A Konrad Lorenz quote goes something like this:

“I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man. It is we.”
But thanks to the Mars program, a good college friend (Phd in plant biology) of mine working at a Canadian University has lots of research money for his project of figuring out how to grow plants on that inhospitable planet. Good use of your tax $$$$$$…I don’t think so!! Let’s solve some problems here and with some government money directed wisely…since money has no conscience.

You live under the illusion that government spending is just as efficient and useful as private spending and investment.

There is no way for me to dissuade you of the myth you believe.

I must agree with mikey here, just a cursory glance at our military expenditures would prove that most government spending provides little in return and in the case of military spending the dividend is unintended consequences.

little return?

What is your continued freedom worth?

What does my continued freedom have to do with the illegal & immoral invasion of Iraq under false pretenses?

Yada yada yada:roll::roll::roll:

Not illegal and not immoral.

There should have been a formal war declaration.

If there had been it would have all been over by now.

A formal declaration of war over weapons mass destruction which never existed? You are truly one of the larger assholes who inhabit this universe.

Listen idiot.

Every intelligence agency on the planet was convinced they existed.

Scores of Democrat leaders preached that Hussein had to be dealt with.

Bush had the balls to do it.

Your incessant whining about things you cannot change only displays for all your insecurity and powerlessness.

Get over it.


Hussein’s possession of WMDs wasn’t even the chief reason for going and you know it.