Originally Posted By: rrusnock This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The house I inspected yesterday was primarily heated by electric heaters mounted in the ceiling. They are about the size of fluorescent light fixtures. The attic was trusses with no walkway, and of course they are near exterior walls. The question is, can they be covered with insulation, as was the case here:?:
Originally Posted By: wpedley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Are they about 8-10 inches in diameter? If so they are usually surface mounted to a box and pose no threat to the attic or anything above.
Actually I have seen a couple different types now that I think about it. All have some sort of fan that comes on when turned on and stays on a couple min after it shuts off allowing for cooling of the cabinet. I don't see a problem with insulation being on top of the cabinet.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
wouldn’t that be a little less efficiant than heat from below? kinda like a/c from the floor, ya it works, but takes forever. what is the actual heat source. i see it’s electric, but what, is it like a ceramic heater, or what. i don’t get it.