Electric Radiant Heating Panels

Originally Posted By: pmizeres
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Had an inspection today where flat, rectangular, surface mounted electric heating panels with glass covers and separate thermostats were installed 3" from the ceiling. After turning each one on and then going back to verify that they were emitting heat, I discovered that the one in the bathroom was burning the back of the open bathroom door, and another one was starting to scorch the ceiling above it. Now granted, I may have turned up the thermostat beyond the “comfort” zone, but this shouldn’t matter as I would call this a serious fire hazard. Is there a protocol on where to set the thermostat? Who would be the appropriate licensed specialist to call in for evaluation? HVAC or an Electrician? Should I have followed a different inspection procedure here? This was the only heat source in the home. Thanks.

Originally Posted By: rsummers
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Did this look like it was a home made or factory set up? Sound like they will be calling the fire department if its not addressed.

Originally Posted By: pmizeres
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The home was built in 1978 and I could not detect any other previous heating installations. The heating panels look "relatively" new but I don't know if it is the original equipment. Maybe I shouldn't have cranked all of the thermostats up at once, but I can tell you one thing: I am glad I did it and not my client after she moved in. This house would have caught fire. I am sure the sellers "know" not to crank the thermostats up....but who could gaurantee that info would be transferred to my client??? Even if it was, I can't believe that "not turning the thermostats up all the way" is a safe condition.


Originally Posted By: Kirk Smith
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Were they Cadet models? I had one the other day as soon as I turned it on it sent flames out from the lint build up. I know certain model numbers were recalled. The glass cover kind of confuses me...

Kirk Smith
Welcome Home Inspections

Originally Posted By: pmizeres
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I believe the manufacturer is Cole. Now check this out. My client is pretty proactive so she contacted the manufacturer and found the dealer for the area and contacted them. The dealer recognized the address and said that 2 units were recently ordered by the home owner to apparently replace 2 DEFECTIVE units, but the homeowner never picked them up....and never disclosed it. My recommendation to the client remains to have each individual panel tested, evaluated, and verified to be installed to the manufacturer's instructions by a licensed electrician based on the immediate fire hazard that was observed.
