I’m pleased to announce a huge update to ther InterNACHI® mentoring program! InterNACHI mentors can now publish custom mentor profiles that will help potential mentees find them.
You can also search based on a number of factors, including the ancillary inspections that the mentor offers (mentees may be looking for a mentor that specifically performs Radon inspections, for example) and the type of mentoring offers (ride-along inspections, for example).
We’ll be adding more search features as more mentors complete their profiles.
Calling all mentors. This is extremely valuable and appreciated by the up-and-comers. Apprenticeships used to be the way into a career but seem to be a relic of the past. This is a micro version of that but to the same effect. If you got it and can, offer your wisdom and expertise to others.
Big thanks to [Bert Hull TN #1162](InterNACHI® - Int'l Association of Certified Home Inspectors) for showing me and others the ropes.