CHI Designation

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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Certified Home Inspector or CHI designation:
A number of complaints have been launched against some members for using the term Certified Home Inspector or the CHI designation. This designation is owned in Canada by ASTTBC. They had given the rights for the usage of this designation to PACHI. When PACHI and OAHI amalgamated the rights to this were inherited by OAHI and still remain
in our custody. OAHI does not use this designation as it leads to a great deal of confusion in the general public. Although a number of the membership have bought into a mail order association who think that they can use the designation, let me assure you that they do not have the right to use it. It does not add credibility to you, in fact as the RHI designation is becoming more recognized the use of other designations is discrediting you and may damage your business. If you are using this designation you are putting the OAHI in a compromising situation with ASTTBC, so we must discipline you under the by-laws as well as report you to ASTTBC who may exert their rights under Canadian law to seek legal action against you. This information was distributed after PACHI and OAHI amalgamated and is being reprinted now as a courtesy reminder to the members.

Firstly NACHI is not a mail order Association! That is clearly a misnomer and misleading.

Secondly CHI stands for CERTIFIED HOME INSPECTOR, whereas ASTTBC use of CHI stands for CERTIFIED HOUSE INSPECTOR. There is a big difference, and the acronym is to generic. If you don't believe me go here:

There is no by-law within OAHI stating anything about use of CHI. It is also my opinion that no one can ask or stop anyone from using the full wording CERTIFIED HOME INSPECTOR at that to is generic. What appears to be the underlying issue althoug not admitted in the news blurb is the concern of one large franchise company who had permission to use CHI.

I also did a Google search with the term Certified Home Inspector (search pages from Canada option) and the following hit came back at the top of the results list.

Ontario Association of Home Inspectors :OAHI:
Ontario Association of Home Inspectors OAHI Find a Certified Home Inspector in Ontario House Building Inspectors Directory Courses Conventions Practitioners - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

OAHI does not Certify inspectors. lets not delude anyone nor are members of OAHI Certified Home Inspectors.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rcooke
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Thanks Ray very interesting information.

I understand OAHI is sending out letters asking for the Inspector to stop using the CHI designation.

They seem to feel they can intimadate our NACHI members in Canada.

If a person receives one of these letters I recommend that you do respond and let them know you have seen their letter.

I would give them no information other then acknowledging that you got there letter.

I would also recommend that you respond to :

This is their lawyer and the reason I say to send it too both is because OAHI has a habit of ignoring any mail they do not wish to acknowledge.

This is Covering your a$$ and they can not say you did not respond.

Been there done that and know how they operate.

Roy sr… R.H.I…C.H.I… CAHPI.ON.

A Happy NACHI Member

Originally Posted By: rwand1
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Goto Google and type in Certified Home Inspector and then hit the button,
" I am feeling lucky" and check Pages from Canada.

Guess who comes up.

Chibo the budgie says, "awk, Huston we have a problem, awk!"

Merry Christmas.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rwand1
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Wow its amazing how many hits come up with Certified Home Inspector - many members of all associations are using it.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rwand1
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Certified Property Inspector


Certified House Inspector


Certified Home Inspector

Merry Christmas.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Originally Posted By: rwand1
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Thanks Nick you are the greatest!

The name and acronym are too generic is also what I was told.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Raymond Wand CHI/RHI
Alton, ON