(Larry Kage, CMI)
January 28, 2020, 2:55am
I recently purchased a new home from a local builder and noticed a large cold pour joint that runs from the bottom of the side foundation wall up to the top of the front wall near the garage entrance.
The builder is claiming that this is not a concern and it is simply a line. I live in an area of cold climate in Canada and am concerned about long terms issues with moisture / frost. In your opinion is the cold pour joint in the pictures acceptable or should I push back with the builder and bring an inspector or structural engineer?!AvXQOM8QtqEXmnskrKr25UZa7bQ3
Yusuf, please see and read these links to help you understand:
Those cold joints are not severe, but should be grouted with non-shrink grout before the waterproofing material is applied to the wall. Also all those metal form ties should be broke off back behind the wall surface and the hole grouted as well.
Thanks, Dale.
In the past, I’ve often not even mentioned it because I’ve never seen a problem resulting from it. Seems like an individual situation call to some extent.
A cold pour joint , where successive pours or placements of concrete abut during building construction, are normal but on occasion are leak points that may need sealing or repair.
From: Cold pour joints in concrete foundations & floors
And, welcome to our forum!
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