Does anyone have a maintenance guide to share

I’d like to include a maintenance guide with my reports. Does anyone have one they’d be willing to share?

I had thought about providing a maintenance guide since AmeriSpec includes a huge book with their reports. However, when I looked at prices, including such a book would put me in the same price category as AmeriSpec, and I knew how busy they were. I couldn’t afford that, and after reading the book that AmeriSpec includes, I decided that for the difference in the cost of the inspection, people who were interested in getting a maintenance guide could buy a very good one at Borders Books for half the difference in price between AmeriSpec and me. So I took what I thought were the most important issues in our homes and created my educational report, which is now in its third iteration and which I call my [Interactive Report System]( for NACHI members.pdf). Considering how much free stuff is out there on the Internet, I thought that would be a more high-tech way to go, and I’m very much a high-tech home inspection company.

Hi Kenton,
NACHI released a “NACHI” maintenance manual about a week ago.
Check this

Actually I was just thinking of a simple checklist with fill-in intervals. Nice book though, Keith.