Hello Mr. Spriggs:
I’m not sure why there should be an “Hat’s off.”
Based on what I have seen, Pro-labs is mostly running a service that is far outside of mainstream science and good operating practices. Their reports are some of the easiest to defeat in the event of a dispute. Furthermore, based on what I have heard, most of what PRO-LABS is “teaching” at these seminars is scientifically WRONG and will get the sampler into a lot of truouble if they follow those instructions.
As far as the “certified mould inspector” silliness goes, any chimp with a computer can sit down and cut themselves a certificate that declares themselves a “certified” mould inspector, and they have as much legitimacy of the claim as anyone else, their lack of any actual training in mould notwithstanding.
“Certified mold remediator” and “certified mold inspector” are largely meaningless terms, since there is no governing body which accredits the certification. Whereas terms like “Certified Public Accountant” has a governing body, and the use of the term is nationally recognized and protected, and one is prohibited from using that term without formal governmental recognition, anyone can merely designate themselves as a “Certified mold remediator” or “certified mold inspector” and they instantly become so certified.
High school kids with a computer, short order cooks, automechanics and anyone else who so chooses may merely declare themselves a “Certified mold remediator” or “certified mold inspector” and then print out a certificate to prove it.
To demonstrate the point, my nine year old cousin is also my neighbor, and I printed a fancy looking certificate on my computer and it proudly attests and affirms that he is a “Certified mold remediator” and “certified mold inspector” meeting all the legal requirements necessary to use those terms. He now can place that on his bedroom wall, and he has every bit as much legitimacy to use the designation CMR and CMI and anyone else.
During a recent legal dispute, I issued the Realtor and the homeowner with such certificates to demonstrate their meaninglessness.
In general, REAL microbial experts eschew the terms, since it would be a debasement of their actual knowledge, and they don’t want to lend any credibility to the otherwise creditless terms.
Caoimhín P. Connell
Forensic Industrial Hygienist