Ductwork from roof vent directly to living space

I haven’t seen this before and I’m trying to wrap my head around it with some sort of sensible reasoning, am I trying too hard to figure this out or is it just wrong or am I missing something?

At an 11th month inspection I saw a vent at the roof connected to duct that goes directly to a grille at the ceiling. I didn’t see anything else connected to the duct in the attic space or behind the grille.
I can’t figure out it’s purpose. Especially since it get to 115-120 degrees here and its pretty much a straight shot from the outdoors to the indoors it just doesn’t make sense to me.

Am I thinking too hard to try to justify something that just ain’t right?

Here’s the duct going to the roof vent:

Here’s the duct going directly to the ceiling (the one on the left, the one on the right is the return to the air handler):

Possible supply air for combustion, can you follow the duct? Or what is located just under the area where it goes into the ceiling?

No combustion air needed here, no gas appliances at the home. And its above the hallway near the entryway. The duct is all of maybe 6 feet long, does not connect to any other duct or equipment and goes between the roof and the hallway.

Regardless what it is for, it should enter the house through the HVAC unit.

I see not reason for it as well. If they need air in the house, just leave a window open, same thing going on!

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