Originally Posted By: bking This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I read somewhere that the main ground wire should go from the main panel direct to the ground rod without splicing anywhere or connecting to the meter base. We can not usually see inside the meter base but for new construction we can sometimes.
I always thought the meter base should be grounded too. Maybe there should be a seperate ground from the meter base to the main panel which is not common practice around here. I do agree with a splice being a problem area.
Anyone got the code on this?
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
250.92 Services
(A) Bonding of Services. The non-current-carrying metal parts of equipment indicated in 250-92(A)(1, 2 & 3) shall be effectively bonded together.
250.92 (A)(2) All service enclosures containing service conductors, including meter boxes, or the like, interposed in the service raceway or armor.
The meter box should be bonded to the service equipment panel ,usually utilizing the threaded conduit connections, which means it normally would not have a separate EGC and definately not its own GEC or electrode.
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The service can be grounded at any point from the service point where the utility connects to the service disconnect enclosure. It usually happens in the meter pan or the main disconnect enclosure. Generally spealing you can’t splice the ground electrode conductor. There are exceptions but not with anything you can get at the Home Depot.