Originally Posted By: jjudy This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
? Starting November 12th NACHI members that attend Ohio State NACHI events/meetings will receive One CEU per hour attending Ohio State NACHI event/meetings.
? We are the first chapter that will have Members links. Our chapter website will soon feature a list of chapter members that are NACHI certified with links to their own inspection business websites, increasing the search results benefits for all Ohio State NACHI chapter members. I have arranged for a special discount offer for those that need a website www.ohnachi.org
All of these new developments are huge and demonstrate my and the NACHI founders continued efforts to add value for our members with no additional cost to them.
Now that is VALUE you can not find anywhere else.
Additionally I am working to setup a Mold certification training package and a Radon training certification package, for Ohio State NACHI members.
November 12th is going to be another history maker with:
NACHI Leaders;
Nick Gromicko
Blaine Wiley
John Bowman
Gary Johnson
Gerry Beaumont
Chapter Leaders;
Jeff Judy
Kevin Leonard
Larry Davidson
Robert Bloom
Randy Reinhart
Jim Troth, newly enlisted
Originally Posted By: mroe This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nothing like a early warning concerning these very dangerous happenings in Ohio. , Can you tell us where and when the advertisement will be located? And can you add to your list the Home Energy Tune coarse offered by CMC Energy Services. I hear that they do classes for NACHI? Keep up the great work Jeff .